Showing posts with label Bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bear. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bear Adventure: Bear Claws

Oh, it's that special time that all Cub Scouts love and parents tend to dread.  That's right, it's time for the boys to learn about knife safety and to earn the right to carry a small pocketknife to scouting events.

I am both excited and dreading this event in our younger son's life.  Kids this age can be unpredictable, but I believe they are up to the challenge (so does BSA).

Of course, earning the Whittling Chip and knowing knife safety does not supersede a parent's right to decide when a child is mature enough to have and carry a pocketknife of his own.  Permission always lies with the parents.*

Below you will find the requirements for earning the Bear Claws Adventure Loop and Whittling Chip...

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Scouting Adventures Across the Ranks

Free Printables for Cub Scouts earning Bobcat
I firmly believe in older Scouts being role models for younger ones. Some of the adventures in the 2015 Cub Scout program have portions which are explicit in stating that an older scout should help a younger scout with something.  What isn't really shared is how many of those will also count toward parts of adventures for the younger scouts, as well.

Yes, I know... the main image for this post shows a Boy Scout, not an older Cub Scout.  That's okay.  It's actually this photo that made me think of cross-referencing requirements between ranks.  This particular Boy Scout is my godson.  He fulfilled part of his rank requirements earlier this year by teaching my Wolf Den some knots, which were electives for them.

I know this isn't a new concept, but with planning, many opportunities exist for Cubs as young as Wolves to be helpful to younger scouts.  Even the ones that don't lend themselves to easily be a "mentoring moment" are still good to keep in mind for pack activities.

I have listed many of these teaching opportunities and shared requirements below: